Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp: Staff-in-Training (SIT)
If you’ve ever considered being a camp staff someday, the SIT program is right for you! Spend a week at camp with your peers, learning about what it means to be a camp staff from camp staff. Then, come back up and spend up to three weeks volunteering, putting your new knowledge to the test and learning more along the way.
Contact: Cole Hemmah
Phone: 970-493-5258
ACA Accredited: No
Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp: Youth Go!
Gather and grow together, in this two-week long leadership experience. Volunteer at Harvest Farm, go backpacking, and learn what it means to be a leader in your church and community.
Contact: Cole Hemmah
Phone: 970-493-5258
ACA Accredited: No
Luther Springs: EQUIP
Energize! Question! Understand! Intercede! Proclaim! Equip is an retreat typically held in February for high school students who are ready for more than the average youth event. They will explore theological issues, discern their gifts for leadership and be challenged! Adult leaders and/or parent chaperones are welcome to join us and stay in Kuehner Center, motel style rooms. Counselors and event staff will lead camp activities and cabin time.
Contact: Jessica Steele
Phone: 828-209-6329
ACA Accredited: No
Luther Heights Bible Camp: Leaders-In-Training (LIT)
The Leader-In-Training program is designed for high school youth who want to develop leadership skills, grow in faith and community, and have a servant’s heart. This two week program is a potential first step to becoming a summer staff member and will help an individual develop leadership skills to use throughout life. The first week, campers will participate in our high school week of camp and engage in team building activities, bible studies and games. The weekend includes an off-site adventure trip, likely hiking beautiful mountains trails or canoeing one of our mountain lakes. The second week, days are structured assisting with a cabin group, serving behind the scenes doing dishes and small maintenance projects, and helping support youth programs on-site. A great experience for those who want to learn more about themselves, their unique gifts and how those can be used at camp and in one’s home community to uplift the kingdom of God.
Contact: Kelly Preboski
Email: director@
Phone: 208-644-0779
ACA Accredited: Yes
Flathead Lutheran Bible Camp: Staff In Training (SIT)
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a staff member at FLBC? Join in for a week of leadership training and fellowship designed to give you a taste of what staff life is all about. Teach games, lead worship and Bible study, and learn new ways to care for young people. After completing your week, you can apply to come back to camp at no cost as an assistant counselor or support staff member to put
your skills to work!
Contact: Jacob Kvale
Phone: 406-752-6602
ACA Accredited: No
North Carolina
Agapé Kure Beach Ministries: Staff-in-Training (SIT) Leaders
SIT Leaders at Camp Agapé is a great way to discover and build leadership skills for youth entering their Junior and Senior year or just graduated from High School. The program starts with a one-week “Staff Training” June 20-25, 2021. SITs will go through an interview process, learn from Agapé staff and will get to practice their camp skills as they go. After their first week, our SIT Leaders are invited to return for one of our remaining weeks of summer camp. They will either be paired with a counselor to co-counsel a group of our campers or they will serve on our Support Staff for a week working in program areas and the kitchen. If your high schooler is looking for a taste of what working at camp is like, SIT Leaders at Camp Agapé is a great choice!
Contact: Christa Hassler
Phone: 919-552-9421
ACA Accredited: No
Agapé Kure Beach Ministries: Staff-in-Training (SIT) Servants
Staff-in-Training (SIT) Servants is an opportunity for youth entering their Freshman or Sophomore years of High School. This is a one-week program July 18-23, 2021. SIT Servants will explore the idea of Servant Leadership as they work, play, and serve alongside Agapé staff. Leadership skills are discovered and grown through service to others, and campers are given a chance to see behind the scenes of a week of camp. If you have a child who is looking to work at camp in the future or just wants to grow their skills, SIT Servants is a great first step in their journey!
Contact: Christa Hassler
Phone: 919-552-9421
ACA Accredited: No
North Dakota
Camp Metigoshe: Explorers
Each year Camp Metigoshe offers a summer camp program for those who have just completed grades 11 & 12 that focuses on leadership development. You’ll explore your faith, future, and all that camp has to offer! Camp is also no longer just one week long. You will have the option to return to camp for two additional weeks during the summer to assist a counselor with a cabin of youth and work with our support staff. Although many who come to Explorers are looking forward to becoming a camp counselor, the leadership development that takes place is great no matter your future plans!
Contact: Katie Vogel
Phone: 701-263-4788
ACA Accredited: Yes
Kirchenwald: Sr High Super Adventure
This just might be the ultimate camping experience. You and your fellow campers make the week your own by choosing the adventure activities that you most want to do. Some options include backpacking, caving, kayaking, rock climbing, plus many more. Along the way, you’ll explore leadership from both a philosophical and a practical side. Complete service projects and mentor younger campers while growing into role as a Christian service leader. Grades 9-11
Contact: Zach Weiss
Phone: 717-964-3121
ACA Accredited: Yes